Send a bouquet of sunshine from McClure’s Flowers Plus and brighten someone’s day!
We’re a local Schuyler, Nebraska florist with over 17 years experience and a lovely variety of fresh flowers and creative gift ideas to suit any style or budget. We hope you enjoy your online shopping experience with secure 24-hour ordering right at your fingertips.
If preferred, you may call us to place orders direct at (402) 352-2771. It is our pleasure to assist you with any local, as well as worldwide deliveries and remember that corporate accounts are always welcome. For your convenience, we offer daily floral delivery to local funeral homes and hospitals.
McClure’s Flowers Plus is open to serve your floral and gift giving needs: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm ~ Saturday 8:30 am to 12:00 noon ~ Closed Sunday.
Send quality sympathy and funeral flowers ~ We will design and deliver a funeral arrangement that beautifully conveys your expression of sympathy and serves as a lovely memorial to the deceased.
The beauty of flowers at weddings and events ~ Our talented design staff is ready to help you plan the bouquets, arrangements and on-site decorating for your dream wedding or a special occasion. Call in advance and set up an appointment for a consultation.
Large selection of plants and unique gifts ~ Choose from our Green & Blooming Plants, Dish Gardens, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, Gift Baskets, Scented Candles, Angels, Custom Silk Arrangements, Blown Glass, Stained Glass, Plush Stuffed Animals and Balloons.
Thank you for visiting our website with flowers delivered fresh from your local Schuyler, NE flower shop and convenient online ordering 24 hours a day!